An aspiration of this project is to create a Haphazard Index (Hi), a simple methodology to measure the amount of Haphazardness existing within a business.   

Measuring haphazardness within a company may allow the organisation to better understand where to loosen controls and where to tighten methods of working and/or systems.  

Haphazard Auditing

Inspired by a paper on Haphazard Auditing and Chance vs. Randomness, the Hi will review areas of the business that would otherwise not be noted for adding value.  ‘Haphazard sampling’ is a legitimate non-statistical technique used by auditors.  

Measuring Routine

The intention is to adapt the method and apply to the Daily Routine of the employees and systems within the company to discern the amount of haphazardness.

The hypothesis runs that if the level of haphazardness is high, then the employees will be better equipped mentally to manage uncertainty, whereas if it is low, then there is risk of lethargic response?

Artist Resilience

Drawing heavily from the arts, live events and learning from this project, the Hi will slowly evolve (or not!), to provide business with a scorecard for dealing with uncertainty.  

Being able to adapt and roll with the knocks embodies The Artist of all generations, a notoriously precarious profession. The kind of skills an artist needs to be totally resilient could prove invaluable to management and employees in the present political climate.    

John M

Connected Posts: Auditing Haphazardness, Haphazard Life Plan, Haphazard Routine and Artistic Process

Image: Triborough Bridge (East 125th Street Approach) | Photo Berenice Abbott (1937)

2 thoughts on “HAPHAZARD INDEX (Hi)

  1. Would be helpful to have key findings of paper summarised i.e. what are the specific takeaways that you’re incorporating into the Hi.
    I’d be interested to results of live studies/ case studies. Eg two groups pitted against each other in unpredictable scenarios (one that has high Hi and the other a low Hi)…

    1. Thanks Karl. I have since added a post about Abundant Choice, which has a comment from Prof. John Wood “Maybe it could evolve further using other factors inspired by evolution etc. E.g. Apoptosis in damaged cells that fail to get thumbs-up signals from other cells?”

      Considering the perception of ‘Haphazard’ and the actual ‘Reality’, has also emerged following my experience of cancelled flight recently, leading to Haphazard Perception post.

      How to create the Hi so not to become too consuming for me to develop, and not become too complicated for anyone to use is probably key next step. John M

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