University College London (UCL) AI vision ‘AI for people and planet’ seeks to position AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a force for good in the world.

Members of the public are engaging increasingly with machine learning algorithms each day, often with little idea that a machine is responding on a chat bot, deciding a loan application or assessing the CV for a job application. With Fake News and machine-generated comments on social media shaping opinion, academia is finally beginning to respond after a slow start. 

University College London (UCL) have launched AI for People and Planet, a new lab with 100+ researchers to begin seeking solutions to tackle many concerns regarding use of AI by bad actors. 

AI is widely used in sectors ranging from health and education to science and art, with consumers regularly using machine learning without realising. Everyday tasks such as applying for bank loans and running online searches are governed by AI, which also serves tailored online adverts based on past activity.

The potential for AI technologies is vast, with upcoming challenges which will need addressing including how this can affect industries such as transport through autonomous vehicles, agriculture through automated farming and healthcare through personalised medicine. It also has the potential to change the way we work through supporting and enhancing productivity.

Concerns about the use of AI technology range from using it to create fake videos, known as deepfakes, to increased energy requirements as more complex machinery is developed. AI has a vital role to play in the solution, through monitoring the environment and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

AI for People and Planet press release


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